StreamlineiG TV

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Interesting Reads

It's All About The Team

Income Stocks 101

The title says it all. To be a wise investor we have to leave our emotions at the front door while making decisions. It is very easy to see a shiny widget and assume it will be a great investment. The best idea has to have a quality team for it to succeed. Seraf has a great article explaining this concept. We will definitely talk about this one in the StreamlineiG Execs. Use the link below to access the article. Enjoy.

Don't know where to start? Here is a good place to begin. Dividend stocks provide checks, yes it is that simple. And even better is the fact that you put in minimum work. Your job is research time, that is all. Learn how to start with James and Arielle. Enjoy.

Coming Soon

We want to support those who have the desire to learn and apply the skills gained from being a part of the StreamlineiG community. In order to better support you, we are working with non-profit organizations to provide learning materials at not cost. We also want to provide our youth (18 to 24 years old) an opportunity to work with a sponsor who will mentor and cover the cost of their first investment.

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Angel Investing